Film and Faith: Luther

MV5BMTIzMTUyNzg0NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDE0MTcyMQ@@._V1_SX214_AL_Movie Night in the Sanctuary featuring: Luther
Norwalk Christian Church
Sunday, February 15, 6pm
Childcare provided. Bring a snack to share.

This biography of Martin Luther, relates the story of the 16th-century priest who led the Christian
Reformation, opening up new possibilities in the exploration of faith. The film begins with his vow to become a monk, and continues with his struggle to reconcile his desire for sanctification with his increasing abhorrence of the corruption and hypocrisy pervading the Church’s hierarchy. Ultimately charged with heresy, he confronts the ruling cardinals and princes, urging them to make the Scriptures available to the common believer and leading the Church toward faith through justice and righteousness. Some violence may not be suitable for younger viewers.


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